Guard - определение. Что такое Guard
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Что (кто) такое Guard - определение

Guards; Guard (disambiguation); Guarding; Gaurd; Standing guard
Найдено результатов: 1103
·vt Watch; heed; care; attention; as, to keep guard.
II. Guard ·noun To fasten by binding; to Gird.
III. Guard ·vt That part of a sword hilt which protects the hand.
IV. Guard ·vt Ornamental lace or hem protecting the edge of a garment.
V. Guard ·vt A fence or rail to prevent falling from the deck of a vessel.
VI. Guard ·vt A chain or cord for fastening a watch to one's person or dress.
VII. Guard ·vt The fibrous sheath which covers the phragmacone of the Belemnites.
VIII. Guard ·vt One who has charge of a mail coach or a railway train; a conductor.
IX. Guard ·vt A posture of defense in fencing, and in bayonet and saber exercise.
X. Guard ·vt An expression or admission intended to secure against objections or censure.
XI. Guard ·noun To keep watch over, in order to prevent escape or restrain from acts of violence, or the like.
XII. Guard ·vt One who, or that which, guards from injury, danger, exposure, or attack; defense; protection.
XIII. Guard ·vt An interleaved strip at the back, as in a scrap book, to guard against its breaking when filled.
XIV. Guard ·vt A man, or body of men, stationed to protect or control a person or position; a watch; a sentinel.
XV. Guard ·noun To protect the edge of, ·esp. with an ornamental border; hence, to face or ornament with lists, laces, ·etc.
XVI. Guard ·vt Any fixture or attachment designed to protect or secure against injury, soiling, or defacement, theft or loss.
XVII. Guard ·vt A plate of metal, beneath the stock, or the lock frame, of a gun or pistol, having a loop, called a bow, to protect the trigger.
XVIII. Guard ·vi To watch by way of caution or defense; to be caution; to be in a state or position of defense or safety; as, careful persons guard against mistakes.
XIX. Guard ·vt An extension of the deck of a vessel beyond the hull; ·esp., in side-wheel steam vessels, the framework of strong timbers, which curves out on each side beyond the paddle wheel, and protects it and the shaft against collision.
XX. Guard ·noun To protect from danger; to secure against surprise, attack, or injury; to keep in safety; to Defend; to Shelter; to shield from surprise or attack; to protect by attendance; to accompany for protection; to care for.
group of sentries
1) to call out the guard
2) to mount, post the guard
3) to change, relieve the guard
4) an advance; armed; color; honor; palace; police; rear; security guard (they slipped past the palace guard)
5) under guard
guard duty
6) to stand guard over
7) on guard (to go on guard)
8) a home guard
police officer
auxiliary police officer
9) (AE) a crossing guard
10) a prison guard (AE; BE has warder, wardress)
readiness to fight
11) off guard; on guard (to be caught off guard)
12) to put smb. on one's guard
13) to keep one's guard up
protective article of clothing
14) a knee; nose; shin guard (see the Usage Note for warden)
1) to guard closely (the player was guarded closely by her opponent)
2) (d; intr.) to guard against (to guard against catching cold)
3) (D; tr.) to guard against (to guard an embassy against intruders)
4) (D; tr.) to guard from (to guard smb. from harm)
I. v. a.
Protect, defend, shield, shelter, watch, keep in safety, attend for protection.
Provide against objections, secure against attack, make with caution.
II. v. n.
Watch, take care, be cautious, be vigilant.
III. n.
Defence, Protection, shield, security, bulwark, rampart, aegis, palladium, safe-guard.
Sentinel, sentry, watch, watchman.
Convoy, escort, conduct, body of defenders.
Circumspection, care, watchfulness, caution, attention, heed.
Conductor (of a coach or of a railway train).
<programming> 1. In functional programming, a Boolean expression attached to a function definition specifying when (for what arguments) that definition is appropriate. 2. In (parallel) logic programming, a Boolean expression which is used to select a clause from several alternative matching clauses. See Guarded Horn Clauses. 3. In parallel languages, a Boolean expression which specifies when an message may be sent or received. (1995-05-09)
(guards, guarding, guarded)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If you guard a place, person, or object, you stand near them in order to watch and protect them.
Gunmen guarded homes near the cemetery with shotguns...
...the heavily guarded courtroom.
VERB: V n, V-ed
If you guard someone, you watch them and keep them in a particular place to stop them from escaping.
Marines with rifles guarded them...
He is being guarded by a platoon of police.
VERB: V n, be V-ed by n
A guard is someone such as a soldier, police officer, or prison officer who is guarding a particular place or person.
The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell.
A guard is a specially organized group of people, such as soldiers or policemen, who protect or watch someone or something.
We have a security guard around the whole area...
A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre.
On a train, a guard is a person whose job is to travel on the train in order to help passengers, check tickets, and make sure that the train travels safely and on time. (BRIT; in AM, use conductor
If you guard some information or advantage that you have, you try to protect it or keep it for yourself.
He closely guarded her identity.
...a threat to the country's jealously guarded unity.
VERB: V n, V-ed
A guard is a protective device which covers a part of someone's body or a dangerous part of a piece of equipment.
...the chin guard of my helmet...
A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
Some regiments in the British Army, or the soldiers in them, are referred to as Guards.
...the Grenadier Guards.
If someone catches you off guard, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. If something catches you off guard, it surprises you by happening when you are not expecting it.
Charm the audience and catch them off guard...
The invitation had caught me off guard.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you lower your guard, let your guard down or drop your guard, you relax when you should be careful and alert, often with unpleasant consequences.
The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out...
You can't let your guard down...
PHRASE: V inflects
If you mount guard or if you mount a guard, you organize people to watch or protect a person or place.
They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital...
PHRASE: V and N inflect
If you are on your guard or on guard, you are being very careful because you think a situation might become difficult or dangerous.
The police have questioned him thoroughly, and he'll be on his guard...
He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.
PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
If someone is on guard, they are on duty and responsible for guarding a particular place or person.
Police were on guard at Barnet town hall.
PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
If you stand guard, you stand near a particular person or place because you are responsible for watching or protecting them.
One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.
PHRASE: V inflects
If someone is under guard, they are being guarded.
Three men were arrested and one was under guard in hospital.
PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v
¦ verb
1. watch over in order to protect, control, or restrict.
Basketball stay close to (an opponent) to prevent them getting or passing the ball.
2. prevent from being harmed.
(guard against) take precautions against.
¦ noun
1. a person, especially a soldier, who guards or keeps watch.
N. Amer. a prison warder.
2. [treated as sing. or plural] a body of soldiers serving to protect a place or person.
(Guards) the household troops of the British army.
3. a device worn or fitted to prevent injury or damage.
4. a defensive posture adopted in a fight.
vigilance against adverse circumstances: he let his guard slip.
5. Brit. an official who rides on and is in general charge of a train.
6. Basketball each of two players chiefly responsible for marking opposing players.
7. American Football each of two players either side of the centre.
guard of honour a group of soldiers ceremonially welcoming an important visitor.
off (or on) guard unprepared (or prepared) for a surprise or difficulty.
take guard Cricket (of a batsman) stand in position ready to receive the ball.
ME (in the sense 'care, custody'): from OFr. garde (n.), garder (v.), of W. Gmc origin; cf. ward.
Guard (computer science)         
Guard statement; Pattern guard; Guard statements; Guard (computing); Guard clause; Guard pattern
In computer programming, a guard is a boolean expression that must evaluate to true if the program execution is to continue in the branch in question.
·noun ·pl A body of picked troops; as, "The Household Guards.".
Guard (grappling)         
  • The closed guard
  • The [[half guard]] position
  • Megaton Dias]] demonstrating the 50-50 guard
Ricardo de la Riva; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu guard; Do-osae; Doosae; Do osae; Open guard; Full guard; X guard; X-guard; Passing the guard; Pass the guard; Passes the guard; Full-guard; Guard position; Butterfly guard; Butterfly-guard; Closed guard; Spider guard; Closed-guard; Open-guard; Ricardo de la Riva Goded; Simple guard pass; Near knee guard pass; Stacking guard pass; Guard (martial arts); Near Knee Guard Pass; Simple Guard Pass; Stacking Guard Pass; De la Riva guard; Ricardo De La Riva
The guard is a ground grappling position in which one combatant has their back to the ground while attempting to control the other combatant using their legs. In pure grappling combat sports, the guard is considered an advantageous position, because the bottom combatant can attack with various joint locks and chokeholds, while the top combatant's priority is the transition into a more dominant position, a process known as passing the guard.
Guard (information security)         
XML Guard
In information security, a guard is a device or system for allowing computers on otherwise separate networks to communicate, subject to configured constraints. In many respects a guard is like a firewall and guards may have similar functionality to a gateway.



Guard or guards may refer to: